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Our work would not be possible without the generous support we've received from our amazing volunteers.


They've gifted us time, hard work and so much talent that has become invaluable to Garden Route Birds of Prey over the years.

How it works:

We offer orientation sessions several times a year for those who are interested in becoming a part of this incredible team.


After this, they receive a progressive training program, including educational workshops, hands-on experience, and one-on-one mentor shadowing enabling our volunteer staff members to increase their knowledge and expand their skills on a continuing basis.


Through educating the younger generation we are creating an awareness amongst them, and leaving behind a more positive footprint.


Our kids will one day be left to take care of our environment and it is, therefore, our duty to educate them on the importance of conservation, in all aspects of life.


Understanding the value of conservation by teaching children the importance of caring for something is easier when they have an emotional connection to it. A different sense of responsibility unlocks within them, and this is why we do outreach and encourage volunteering and sponsorship as a way for children to understand the key values of life without forcing them to.

volunteers holding owl at bird of prey centre

Volunteering Application

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at Garden Route Birds of Prey?

Submit your application today and one of our team members will get in touch with you shortly.


Thanks for submitting!

Together we can protect, save and restore our planet's natural habitats by changing the way we live on this fragile earth.

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